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Well hello there! As a brand expert, I do my very best to provide as much information and value as I can. Browse around, have a look, and let me know if you have any questions!

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Marty Neumeier defines branding best in his interview with The Futur. The word “brand” has taken on a variety of definitions, so in order to create a great brand we first need to know what that word actually means. However, before Marty defines it, he states all the things that branding is NOT. Marty says… A […]



Professional photography is a vital first impression when people come into contact with your business.  Think about it. When was the last time you were looking for a home on Zillow, found a home that may have looked interesting, but you didn’t click on it because the initial photo was off centered, blurry and dark? […]

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© 2024 Kaitlyn marie cole