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Professional photography is a vital first impression when people come into contact with your business.  Think about it. When was the last time you were looking for a home on Zillow, found a home that may have looked interesting, but you didn’t click on it because the initial photo was off centered, blurry and dark? Have you ever been in a restaurant, read through a menu and found a dish that sounded great but then suddenly changed your mind after seeing a pixelated, dark photo of the dish at the bottom of the menu?

Today, professional photography is a necessity in order to present yourself and your business in a professional manner. You are extremely talented. I want your photos to match the level of quality of your products and services. Whether you’re ready for a customized branding session or need a more affordable option for the time being, here are two great options to getting professional images for your business.

  1. Branding Session – This is an investment, yes. However, one of the many benefits of having a branding session is that all your images are authentic and true to you. I absolutely love sitting down with my clients and hearing about their brand, their goals, their audience and bringing all of those elements together in a beautifully, visual way.  Not only are these photos specifically tailored to your brand down to the littlest details, but it also saves you time by having a library of professional imagery ready to go whenever you need them.
  2. Stock Imagery – If a branding session is currently out of your budget, stock imagery is a great way to begin up-leveling your visuals. When searching for stock imagery, make sure the props, lighting and aesthetic is cohesive with your branding. Here are some of my favorite resources for stock imagery:

If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for advice and help! My biggest goal is helping you succeed and to feel confident, whether hiring me or not. I’m here for you!

Photo sourced from Social Squares

© 2024 Kaitlyn marie cole